She is water.
She is the lightning.
And the voice of thunder.
She is passion.
She is life itself.
And the embers that burn in the night.
She is grace.
She is the wind.
And the cry of an eagle.
She is compassion.
She is the warrior.
And the voice of the defenceless.
Priestess Path Circle
Is your soul singing to embark on the Priestess’ Path?
A priestess isn’t somebody who took a workshop, a meditation, a class, or a retreat.
A priestess can only be earned through the integrity and honour she emanates as she treads on this earth lightly. She is the one who walked through the path of fire, the path of love, the path of gentleness and expression to emerge the other side – with her integrity intact. Keeping that which is precious within her.
A priestess walks her path silently through the hard work, the inner seeking, the patience and kindness towards our inner light. When we have finally acknowledge the goddess we are inside, and create positive changes by living fearlessly, courageously without shadows and untruths – then, and only then, can we manifest and actualise our Inner Priestess.

Priestess Path Circle
In the Priestess Path, you learn to walk in the shadow and the light – the path that treads quietly in between worlds. As you touch that deep part of ourselves not frozen in fear – you touch the Goddess within.
This is a six month, fortnightly Priestess Circle. When you submit your request to join this circle – you do so knowingly to commit every Fortnight on a Sunday, to come together and grow together.
Priestess Path Circle starts from May 2022:
MAY 15 & 29
JUNE 12 & 26
JULY 10 & 24
AUGUST 14 & 28
OCTOBER 31 (Monday)
Our monthly content and workbooks will be emailed directly into your inbox, at the beginning of every month. Kindly prepare the dates above, as you sign on.
Limited to 12 Priestesses only. Each intake is six (6) months long.
S$88 per month per priestess. 2022 intake is sold out. Please enquire below to reserve a seat for Priestess Path 2023.
Registration For Priestess Path Circle
I feel so aligned to myself and clear about what I will achieve this year after attending Spring Equinox workshop with Lucy. What a great start to Spring, thank you and looking forward to more with Sacred Soul Studio!
Kwan Wai, Spring Equinox Rebirth
I love how Lucy conducts her workshop and meditation classes. No holds barred when it comes to guide people in trying to be authentic. She doesn't mince her words when encouraging people to start or have more self love to oneself. That's where her love shows.
Jennifer, Spring Equinox Rebirth
Lucy's meditation was gentle yet powerful. It brought up things I have long forgotten, but still unresolved. Most importantly, the meditation brought me back to myself; to remember again who I truly am. Lucy's guidance was strongly from her heart and so as we feel her pure intention, we too can't help but feel the deepest corners of our heart.
Joyce, Spring Equinox Rebirth
I had awesome experience attending Mindfulness Meditation with trainer Lucy. The 2 sessions were powerful, peaceful and relaxing. To my amazement, my shoulder and wrist stiffness were gone after the meditation sessions! No massage, no exercise involved.
Corporate Meditation Client
I used to think I was the only one who felt demotivated and I struggled to put myself at par as others just to please everybody around me. I used to feel bad whenever I had to say ‘No’ to others and kept thinking about what people would think about me. During the first meditation class, I managed to let all the negative vibes out of my mind and soul. I found it was an amazing feeling and I wish I can share it to the world.
Corporate Meditation Client
Your writing about the shadow, the hidden unexplored part of us, which is who we really are, how getting raw helps see things clearly & shadow integration meditation was really useful. The teaching of higher self, removing ignorance of ego & twameva mantra was amazing.
I think I found my inner self today, which I have been ignoring my entire life. From today, I will work with my Soul with more positivity toward my bright future.
Christine, Self Love Workshop
After my first session with Lucy, I had found changes in many interesting ways. It had lifted my mood to a more positive and cheerful state. For the first time since many years, I could have a good laugh and carefree conversation with friends. Without putting any expectations, the session has turned out to be a success!
Hikaru, Sacred Soul Sessions
I am grateful for having experienced your private session and celtic classses. A feast of powerful yet gentle cosmic and earth energies honoring both sacred divine feminine and masculine, shedding our karmic layers with pure love from the heart. Being and living thru time, space and dimension with evolving awareness and harnessing true power.
Robin, Journey to Avalon
Dear Lucy, I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful session. Totally feel myself as a changed person! Without fear & guilt, I can be anything & everything. Can’t express in words the ‘high’ yet blissful feeling inside me. I thought I have lost the courage of doing that but thanks for being an angel guiding me to be a better version of myself. Life is so exciting & I can’t wait to explore more & all of them. Love you!
Jo, Sacred Soul Session
I'm very grateful for my sessions with Lucy, it has really shifted me out of my "stuckness". My first session with Lucy really blew my mind. As a trauma therapist, I have gone through therapy sessions as part of my practice but I've never experienced such a massive shift within 1 session in my 15 years on this journey. it was like discovering a part of myself... a part of myself that inspired me and allowed me to feel unconditional love and how I can BE truly alive.
Sylvia, Sacred Soul Session
Amazing awakening to self honouring. This session made me realise the existence of self-talk within me which no longer serve me & drill down to source all of my self blame. Reclaimed a part of me, to recognize myself and to be heard. I'm fired up with love. It's time to make a change and honour myself!
Mei Boh, Sacred Soul Session
I personally really thank Lucy, to really push me into the corner. For taking me to the higher awareness, that I have everything within me (the power, courage, pure love & sincerity). All I need is to believe in myself and enjoy the life as it is.
Mung, Sacred Soul Session
This workshop is an amazing session. Seeing the words on the screen with their guidance is a true blessing. Affirming the voices that I heard and believing in them; knowing that these words are to be shared has profoundly made me realise that I must keep the faith & believe in God/Universe.
Sucy, Being a Channelled Writer workshop